Vision and mission

  • By Super User
  • In Profile
  • Posted 12 February 2020


The Development Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (EP FEB UNAIR) is an educational institution with high quality standards, is open, accountable, accredited, and independent in producing quality graduates and is globally oriented. This is in accordance with the vision and mission that was built.



“To become a Center for High Quality Education, Research and Community Services and is Internationally Recognized.”



  1. Organizing quality education and teaching in the field of economics to produce quality graduates for undergraduate level.
  2. Carrying out research and development of economic science and knowledge, both basic research and application.
  3. Mprovide professional expertise in the field of economics as part of community service.

The change in the status of Universitas Airlangga to BHMN (State Owned Legal Entity) is an opportunity for the EP FEB UNAIR Study Program to improve itself as much as possible towards more professional management and better performance. In addition, the Department of Economics also has learning objectives that must be achieved, namely:

  1. Graduates are able to explain the basic concepts/principles of economic theory (Knowledge/A1)
  2. Graduates are able to analyze economic problems and policies (Knowledge/A2)
  3. Graduates are able to apply quantitative tools to economic analysis (Specific Skills/B1)
  4. Graduates are able to make written economic analysis (Specific Skills/B2)
  5. Graduates are able to demonstrate information technology skills in the application of knowledge (General Skills/C1)
  6. Graduates are able to use data analysis software (General Skills/C2)
  7. Graduates are able to apply relevant knowledge about organizational management (communication skills, leadership, teamwork, problem solving, and interpersonal skills) (General Skills/C3)
  8. Graduates are able to demonstrate integrity as individuals with human values, morality, ethics, and social responsibility (Ethics/D1)
  9. Graduates are able to demonstrate discipline, responsibility, and cooperative attitude and prioritize the interests of both the community and the nation based on Pancasila (Five Ranges of Nations) (Ethics/D2)
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