Guest Lecture on Constitutional Law and Dynamics of Economic-Political Development by Herlambang P. Wiratraman, Ph.D

  • By Admin Dept. IE
  • In News
  • Posted 23 October 2021

The Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga has held a Guest Lecture with the topic "State Arrangement Law and Dynamics of Political Economy Development in Indonesia" on September 23, 2021. In the event, the presentation of material was carried out by resource person Mr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman, Ph. D who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Airlangga University, and moderated by Dr. Ni Made Sukartini, SE, M.Si. MIDEC who is also a Lecturer in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga.

Economic Political Dynamics

Material presentation session by Herlambang P. Wiratraman, Ph.D, at the Guest Lecture of the Department of Economics FEB UNAIR

on Thursday Afternoon, September 23, 2021. (Photo: SS Zoom).


The political economy approach was used by the speaker in discussing constitutional law. The studies are glued to the reality of the development of legal thought with the branch of study in detail interdisciplinary which is called PEL (Political Economy of Law).

The development of state administration in the context of democratic decline. This can be seen from several indicators that are used as the determination of democracy to retreat, one of which is through: output academics. Its essence in constitutional law is to revive democracy for the protection of citizens' rights, including social, political, and economic rights which are ultimately interpreted as the welfare of the state's life.

"Democracy is not just a 5-year general election party, but it is essential to provide a democratic space that is not only about protecting citizens but also providing protection and welfare in the perspective of constitutional law, so that it can be meaningful," he said. socialeconomy or welfare. This is what is called Illiberal Democracy which grows and develops in a system of constitution and laws and regulations", said Herlambang, Ph.D.

Valuation Economics also plays a role in constitutional law, the impact of which is not only on social humanitarian issues but also ecological ones. This is due to the problem of environmental damage due to looting of natural resources, which if calculated in the economic field, the impact is much greater.

Herlambang Ph.D. also revealed that, "A country in writing has a constitution like a constitutional system but real politics and real policy actually adds to the problem, not solves the problem. This is termed the fall of the constitution and the rise of the shadow government."

The speaker then emphasized that the makers of must be firm against policies that harm the environment and policies that violate people's rights. This concept is in accordance with what Yuki Fukoka put forward with his concept entitled "The Deep State" about the democratic situation that could occur in Indonesia.

Furthermore, the speaker also discussed the application of constitutional law in institutions such as the issue of international amnesty, political cartelization and continued discussion of "authoritarianism".

The presentation of the material was then followed by a question and answer session. There were many questions from participants, especially those related to Reflection on the Dynamics of Economic-Political Development in Indonesia.

The complete guest lecture recording can be seen at the following link:


Author: Mohammad Ichsan Verianto

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