• By Admin Dept. IE
  • In News
  • Posted 23 October 2021

On September 23, 2021, a Guest Lecture was held with the topic of Introduction to Constitutional Law. The guest lecture presented a resource person, Mr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman, Ph.D who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga. The event was moderated by Mr. Rumaya Batubara, SE, M.Reg.Dev., Ph.D who is also a Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University.

Introduction to Constitutional Law

Material presentation session by Herlambang P. Wiratraman, Ph.D, at the Guest Lecture of the Department of Economics FEB UNAIR

on Thursday Morning 23 September 2021. (Photo: SS Zoom).


Herlambang Perdana Wiratraman Ph.D opened the material delivery session with an introduction to the Scope and Object of the Study of Constitutional Law. The speaker also emphasized the importance of cross-disciplinary in discussing a substantial interrelated element. This reinforces the statement that it is necessary to cross disciplines between law and economics in responding shock policy, the aim is to explore box from so that a solution is found in accordance with the rule of law, namely the constitution on a basic basis.

"In the Constitution, the source of law in the legal system is the basis, direction, and constitution. The constitution can simply be said as a political contract between the ruler and the citizen", said Herlambang Ph.D.

The substance of the Constitution emphasizes the purpose of the state, the form and sovereignty of the state, the system and structure of government power, the balance of power, guarantees for the protection of basic rights, the authority between the center and the regions, and the mechanism for changing the constitution. The substance of the constitution also discusses Impeachment which is also the object of state study because of the response to misappropriation of state administration which also needs to be discussed across disciplines.

Functions of the Constitution general discusses the legal language regarding limiting the arbitrariness of the authorities, guarantor of human rights, and government responsibilities. In Indonesia, the state administration system underwent a change after the amendment to the 1945 Constitution. This fundamental change lies in the highest position in the constitution which implies the supremacy of the constitution, namely the 1945 Constitution.

The amendments also have a positive impact on democracy and human rights such as freedom press, economic, socio-cultural and political rights as well as the birth of a number of State Auxiliary Bodies such as the KPK, KY, Kompolnas ORI, National Commission for the Protection of Children and Women.

Furthermore, the speaker also discussed that the rights of citizens in their development can be lost but can be balanced through the role of the judiciary, all of which are discussed in the discussion on the reflection of constitutional law.

The presentation of the material was then followed by a question and answer session. Many questions from participants related to implementation in the reflection of constitutional law.

The complete guest lecture recording can be seen at the following link:


Author: Mohammad Ichsan Verianto

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